You know those innate talents you possess that people gasp in awe over and you don’t get why they find them so hard? Maybe you…

  • See patterns and opportunities amidst complexity…or
  • Are creative and naturally able to think outside the box…or
  • Are brilliant with details, naturally good at executing projects with a precision that some find tedious…or
  • Are a “people person,” a naturally gifted communicator, technocrat, diplomat, networker, leader, problem solver or change agent…

You are sitting on a goldmine!

Civil rights leader Howard Thurmon said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive, then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” That’s how you buy a franchise, too.

If you know where to look, you can find a business model that matches your innate talent and passions. Here’s how I helped one of my clients do it.

David came to me a few months ago looking for a business opportunity. He had been looking on his own for some time, but nothing really made him “come alive.”

David is a highly educated and detail-oriented executive who was looking for a business that matched his passion for process. He knew he wasn’t a people-person, so he didn’t want to do any cold calling.

After a series of facilitated questions, I selected 3 concepts for David’s consideration. He connected emotionally with one of them right off the bat, and he jumped right in. He created his business plan and developed his strategy to launch his business. The Franchisor has been so impressed by David’s start-up process that they included him in their test market for new products.

Random research on the Internet, like David did in the beginning, is overwhelming, frustrating and can be misleading. If David wasn’t as process-driven, I may never have had a chance to help him focus his talents properly. (FYI, my service is free to you. I am paid if, and only when, you purchase a franchise I recommend.)

Would you like to know the business I recommended to David and what value I knew David would bring to his new business? Let’s get together for an introductory skills assessment discussion, and I’ll share the details with you.